Azure DNS private zones is now GA

More than a year ago, I needed a private dns zone in Azure to test End to end TLS/SSL Offloading with Application Gateway and Kubernetes Ingress. Azure didn’t have a dns zone at the time that is considered private zone. I used the preview feature to make a public dns zone to private zone and it’s cumbersome. The biggest problem was, you couldn’t register an existing virtual network!

Things has changed since then and Azure DNS private zones is now generally available. Today, I was able to migrate the legacy Azure DNS private zones to new resource model. Thanks to Microsoft for documenting the guides and providing the PowerShell scripts to make the automation job easy.

#Summary of PowerShell script
az account set --subscription xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx
az network dns zone list --query "[?zoneType=='Private']"
az --version
#azure-cli   2.3.1
Install-Module -Name Az.PrivateDns -AllowClobber
install-script PrivateDnsMigrationScript
Azure Private DNS Zone

Microsoft sent notification to customers using private dns preview to migrate by April 15, 2020. It’s overdue if you have not done so already!

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